Rune Study : Ansuz

Ansuz, Ansur : Áss (Aesir, Divine Ones,); Mouth of Odin

Ansuz is representative of divine inspiration, and manifestation through breath or speech. I really love Tyriel’s take on this rune. (Check it out here.) The creation of our thoughts is something we as beings have the capacity to do. Many of us do this subconsciously. Every moment, we create our thoughts. A lesson of Ansuz, is to bring that creative force into our conscious mind, and use that force to create our hearts desires.

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Rune Study : Thurisaz

Thurisaz : Thorn; Giant

Thurisaz represents the giant, the thorn. A deep wounding or seemingly impossible challenge. It brings to mind a thicket that tears at our skin, and makes it almost impossible to move. A giant in our path, blocking the way forward. The energy of Thurisaz is powerful and dynamic, and can signify a need to center oneself in consciousness. This rune is about ordering chaotic forces, and honing one’s own force of thought.

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Rune Study : Uruz

Uruz : Aurochs (Old Norse)

The aurochs is a now extinct breed of wild oxen. To the peoples of Northern Europe, this animal held a sacredness similar to the Buffalo to the Indigenous people of North America. This beautiful, powerful animal was a source of food, hide, and all parts were used. The aurochs was deeply respected, and a rite-of-passage for young men was to overcome one in the wild.

The runic energies of this rune speak loudly of tenacity, endurance and raw power. The vital life-force of these animals was recognized, and Uruz shares this energy. Looking at this rune in the context of the inner journey, this runic energy represents the spark of life within all of us. The drive to grow, learn, and survive. It is a primal force, and immensely strong. Uruz reminds us that we all carry this fire within us, and we must choose to use that when it is needed. If we face a challenge that seems insurmountable, we can remember we carry the force of creation within us.

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Rune Study: Berkana

Berkana: Birch

Bjarkan Video

This might be one of my favourite runes…Her energies are so beautiful, protective and powerful. This is the rune of becoming; embodying the maternal goddess energy. The shape of the rune speaks volumes, taking the form of a pregnant mother’s breasts and belly. The peoples of the North experienced the cleansing and protective powers of birch trees. Groves or circles of birch were viewed as very sacred and safe place; a secret sanctuary when one needed it most.

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Rune Study: Isa

Isa: Ice (Old Norse)

It is winter here, and the lesson I am focused on right now is Isa.  Isa’s energy is quiet and pensive.  It represents a time to be still, focusing inward, and patiently awaiting the right time to act.  Patience is hard for me.  Really hard.  But I know that good things come to me when I wait patiently for the right timing to present itself.  I am planning a garden this year, and Isa is teaching me much as I begin this process.  Patience as I wait for the right time to plant a seed, and as the seed begins to grow in its own time.

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