

Rune Study Resources

  • RuneSecrets Community An online community for runesters, featuring forum discussion, online group study, blogs, and videos.
  • Sunnyway Runes   One of the first sites I ever stumbled along on my runic journey. This helped me alot with understanding basic rune concepts.
  • Edred Thorsson’s Books  A runic scholar, Edred Thorsson’s books are an excellent tool for a deeper understanding of runelore, rune magic, and fundamental concepts of Norse culture and psychology.
  • Freya Aswynn’s Books  I have heard nothing but good things about this lovely author. I have yet to delve deeply into her work. But I definitely want to include her here!
  • Circle Of Yggdrasil A project started by a friend of mine, offering rune readings, astrology readings and spiritual coaching. Check her out! She has also done some excellent videos (some of which I have used on my website) and has them on her channel on youtube.

Herbal Resources

  • Susun Weed; an Herbalist who holds respect in my heart, and who practices the Wise Woman Tradition; learning and growing with Nature as her guide. I would highly recommend her books, and her online resources which can be found on her website in the above link.
  • This weblog! I found this gem one day when researching for my St. John’s Wort article, and I LOVE this blog, this perspective, and the genuine nature of her writing. Recommended!
  • Annie’s Remedies has some excellent information and I have used their site many times when looking for a specific herb for a specific task. Really helpful when diagnosing and choosing herbs for support.
  • Mountain Rose Herbs has maybe the best quality dried herbs I have ever used. All the health-food stores in my area order from this excellent company. They work with farmers around the world, and sell only organic products, whether certified, organically grown, or wild-crafted in a responsible manner. They have their own quality control laboratories, and I have never once been disappointed with a product. Going in with friends is a good way to save money with the shipping costs.